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Dec 31, 2021

Devahuti’s prayers to her son Kapiladeva / spiritual status is based on merit not birth / the Vedic teachings conclude in the chanting of the Holy Name & one who chants the Name is glorious / Kapiladeva’s final instructions / Devahuti achives samadhi / the conclusion of Canto 3 - one who speaks or hears this...

Dec 30, 2021

our material enjoyments are so low grade / all the yoga paths cultivate detachment, each in their own way / attachments cloud truth perception / “my truth” & “your truth” / perceiving different features of the absolute like different features of an elephant / say goodbye to Hollywood (the desire to be the star,...

Dec 29, 2021

Bhakti-yogis are Karma-yogis and more, because they directly cultivate love for Krsna / sakama vs niskama (attached workers vs detached workers) / karma-yoga can purify the consciousness of all the false narratives / the time factor extends to the heavens of this universe / why people honor the forefathers and...

Dec 28, 2021

the stages of the embryo’s development / the sufferings in the womb / the prayers within the womb / losing memory during birth / the sufferings of childhood / buying into the false narrative again, that happiness will be found through externals / losing all our good qualities / becoming a dancing dog in the hands of...

Dec 27, 2021

time is blowing us around like a cloud in the sky / even the hog in the sewage gutter thinks “life is good” / our deep rooted attachments / anxiety due to attachments / the bad karma we create due to attachments / then it all goes to hell / if you look closely you’ll see hell all around you / it’s all a wake up...