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Mar 31, 2021

our miseries are due to a misconception of self-identity / the counterintuitive key - human life is not meant for sense gratification, it is meant for self-realization / we’re chasing a mirage that draws us deeper & deeper into the desert / controlling our senses means freedom / Bhagavad-gītā (2.59) - the higher...

Mar 30, 2021

Welcome back Mara! / a pandit is born / Raghu’s son transcends misery through the wisdom of the Gita / if the soul is unchangeable, and if God is always in our heart, then why do our activities result in misfortune and misery? Or, how do we lose touch with our spiritual nature? / analogy 1 - seeing your own head cut...

Mar 27, 2021

How do you go deal with direct hate against you for no apparent reason? / I’m struggling with depression and my bhakti practices can't seem to shake it. Is there something I'm missing? / How does goodness (sattva guna) have a grip on us? / Are the spiritual teaching I read about before coming to Bhakti relevant? Is...

Mar 26, 2021

miracles are everywhere / the cobbler & the brahmin / Bhagavatam is the magic 8 ball - always answering our questions / our disposition can either reveal or repeal knowledge / Raghu’s relationship with geese / is my toothache God’s lila (divine play)? / if God is situated in our hearts, then why do our...

Mar 25, 2021

2 monks - “you’ve been carrying her in your mind all day" / Raghunath’s country klatch / miracles are everywhere / lawless Krishna of Mathura is also the universal juggler / the miracle of the banyan tree / the miracle of the whistler thorn / the miracle of the neem tree / everything we need literally grows on...