Oct 30, 2021
My father suffers from schizophrenia & his violent behavior traumatized me in my youth. He’s recently been institutionalised & doctors have contacted me as his next closest relative to make decisions with regard to his treatment. Is it ok to turn my back on him or should I find something inside of me and try to help...
Oct 29, 2021
matter is eternal, but it’s transformations are temporary / time as a concept / what does time teach us? time is the transformer / material existence is a rom com that turns into a horror film / 24 Sankhya, a Buddhist perspective / 25 Sankhya, a Monist perspective / 26 Sankhya, a Bhakti perspective / Western science...
Oct 28, 2021
fantasies are our dreams within the dream / Raghu’s failed kindergarten romance / the spiritual origin of teasing & flirting / rationalization as the intelligence in service of the false ego / better to be a jalopy moving forward than a Ferrari moving backwards / defining yoga / the 5 fluctuating states of mind /...
Oct 27, 2021
universal creation & destruction comes in cycles / God the Father & Mother Nature / the manas (mind) is the sitting place of desire - it corrupts the senses & the intellect / strengthening the intellect though hearing wisdom daily
Oct 26, 2021
Bhisma’s 9 deathbed instructions / the external bath & the internal bath / in the material realm, nothing is more powerful than time / we can chose whether to listen to the Supersoul, but we have to listen to time / our default setting is enjoyment / hang out with people that light you up / we need purification to...