Jan 14, 2025
Modern psychology meets ancient wisdom in this thought-provoking episode of Wisdom of the Sages which asks, “Why do we cling to that which was never truly ours?” Join Raghunath and Kaustubha as they dive into intriguing parallels between the Ultimatum Game—a groundbreaking behavioral economics experiment—and the timeless teachings of the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. Explore how Bali Maharaja’s surrender to Lord Vāmanadeva reveals the illusory nature of territorial attachments and provides a new perspective to see a deeper truth: nothing in this world truly belongs to us.
✨ Key Takeaways:
• What the Ultimatum Game teaches us about fairness, ego,
and self-defeating decisions.
• Bali Maharaja’s awe-inspiring vision of Lord Vishnu’s
universal form.
How spiritual wisdom can elevate our thinking and free us from
endless conflict.
Kaustubha shares about the time he and his wife were turned away at
a famous Temple in South India for not being born “Hindu”.
🎧 Don’t miss this deep dive into Bhakti philosophy and its practical relevance in today’s world! Subscribe for daily wisdom and join thousands worldwide on the path of Bhakti.
📢 Watch now! #Territorialism #BhaktiYoga #SrimadBhagavatam #SurrenderToGod
SB 8.20.22-34
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