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Jul 31, 2021

can you recommend any strategies for me to use to help bring my mind to higher things and away from these carnal thoughts? / why are we given a number of rounds to chant, rather than a length of time? / beating ourselves up can lead to unnecessary amounts of guilt and shame, but so-called self-acceptance can lead...

Jul 30, 2021

Celebrate Episode 500 with us as we hear testimonials from Wisdom of the Sages listeners about how the podcast, bhakti & Srimad Bhagavatam have transformed their lives.

Jul 29, 2021

reading wise things won’t make us wise- we need to apply it / Vishnu is exceedingly attached to his devotees / 3 principles of spiritual culture - cleanliness, austerity and mercy / our nonsense got us here, we need wise people to lead us out / the need to honor the speakers of truth / live simply to be happy / frogs...

Jul 28, 2021

Sherri’s kirtan adventure / to be aloof from public opinion / Vishnu asks a favor / being bound by love / knowing the mind of the master / getting beyond religious superficiality / the most confidential knowledge is when God reveals His heart / the 4 Kumara’s try to make sense out of Vishnu’s love / Sanatana...

Jul 27, 2021

the importance of routine / even people of the lowest behavior are purified by their interest in hearing about Vishnu / interest in Vishnu obliges Vishnu personally / Vishnu is glorious because he honors the Brahmanas / good fortune is always with Vishnu because he serves such devotees / Vishnu is more pleased by...